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Showing posts from 2021

Slightly Professional

If you haven't noticed, which I doubt you have, there've been two new changes to the site. The first one is kinda big but kinda not, and the second is just added flavor. And the big announcement is... I got a new domain name. And a cool icon; not to brag or anything, but that image took me all of twenty minutes to make in GIMP. The domain name seemed like a logical step to be made at some point or another, and it seemed even more logical once I realized that buying the domain name literally only costs $12 per year. So, yeah. I'm going to do everything in my power to wipe the Blogger branding off the face of my site, while still kissing Google's gold-plated boots for even letting me have a personal web outlet in the first place. The conclusion to the Phillip Madison mini-series thing will probably be a ways off, and other stories could release sooner. I'll need to completely re-evaluate that story as it stands and decide from there, so that's no doubt going to be

Why I Rebranded

I'm terrible with consistency. One of the most important skills a human being can have, and I am so incredibly bad at it that it's practically a personality trait by now. When I started this website, I tried my hardest to roleplay in my little made-up world. If you were there at the start, you know what I mean - "He Who Writes", the super long title, the bullshit paragraph that I pulled out of thin air to kinda-sorta-not really describe what was going on here, etcetera. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy roleplaying and letting out my cringe demons. But that was a bit much...alright, maybe more than a bit. I've thought of so many ways to explain myself to you all over the past few months, but nothing ever felt right: "I'll be finishing another entry soon" would be stalling, "I'm sorry" would be giving up, and "I've got plenty of other projects in the works" would be a bribe. So, I'll just be honest - I have no i