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Showing posts from 2022

ManFall - Public Build 2

 I know it's been a while since my last public build - a lot has gone on, even a full reset of my work to implement better code, but here's the small amount of changes made. This is more for myself than anything, but enjoy. Download Here .

With A Face Like That


New Pages

If you'll notice, there are now a handful of new pages to visit on the website (aside from individual posts). From now on, I plan to post all my random work-in-progress (or completed) projects on the site, separated in little boxes where they an be easily accessible. Blog will house articles, like the kind you see on journalistic websites. Prose will hold all my short stories and novel-esque fiction, Scripts will cover my different film scripts, TV scripts and script concepts, and finally the Games section will focus on the different interactive projects that I work on. That's the update - cheers.

Manhattan's Fallout - Public Build #1

I've been working on this project off and on for about a year now, and I felt that since I can't keep consistent progress, maybe I should just post my updates as they occur. Here's the rundown of it: This project is a fan-made reimagining of the first Fallout game, designed within the confines of the Chapbook format for the Twine 2 hyperlink narrative engine. So far, and for the foreseeable future, I am the only member of the project and the only person developing it. My name is Kanah Belflower, but I tend to go by Manhattan on social media. My priorities with this project are to provide myself with a fun, intriguing Fallout experience within the confines of an interactive novel, reimagine one of the most iconic stories in gaming history through a strikingly different medium, and to gather experience in novel writing as well as conventional game development. I intend to remaster the stories of Fallout in the Twine 2.0 “engine”, with the intention of leaning more heavily int

Diary of a Superhero

I like being the hero. All the parades, medals and fun events that happen in my honor, they're all great. This part wasn't so great, though. "Just stand still and let me hit you!" A new speedster had come into the powered scene lately, destined for villainy. I hate having to handle issues like this, but the situation warranted it. "I don't have time for this, fastball!" He was a kid, barely out of his teens - not very inclined to getting punched, either, as indicated by the dodging. But I was on a tight schedule, and playing tag wasn't on it. --- "Is it good?" The steak was good. Nice restaurant, laid back, smooth atmosphere. Sue noticed the red speckle on my neck but didn't say anything, which meant I just needed to get better at cleaning up afterwards. Nobody else saw though, and the news wouldn't update for another few hours at least. We could eat well for the night. "Mhm," I replied, "very chewy though. I could

Just a Bad Tavern Story

The world was broken, the seas were a mess, The sky had fallen to land on their heads. A man rose up from the ashes above, Ensnared by the flames like a phoenix of love. His people saw hope, his foes knew fear, But all he had left was the pain he held dear. This is the song of a voiceless hand, Who took what he had and brought fire to the land. "That's all well and good, but where are the naked women? You promised us a good time, old man!" The crowd laughed merrily at the comment, with others making similar lewd remarks in search of a reaction. But the aged storyteller just smiled. "Yes, yes I did. And a good time you will have. But for now, listen to this short tale. Not all of it - just the part that counts." --- The coppery taste on his lips wasn't his own, but that of the headless corpse laid atop him. For just a moment, while a massacre continued beyond, this timid man stared into the fleshy core of another person's neck. Or at least, where a neck w

Autopsy A1-03; Retrieved from the Unified Bureau of Scientific Investigation

DR. SHURE:      This is UBSI autopsy number A1-03, April 5th, 2104. This recording and transcript are to be placed under Level Two lockdown upon completion of the procedure, and the specimen is to be disposed of in an undisclosed location following the event previously stated. Any violation of the Level Two lockdown shall be met with severe and immediate punishment. DR. LANE:      By listening to this recording and/or reading this documented transcript, you state that you are a Level 2 asset of the UBSI; if this statement is false, you are to turn off this recording and/or return this document immediately. Failing to do so will result in a criminal charge of high treason within your country of residency - you have been warned. E.O. (DR. SHURE) Initial reports on the external state of the subject are as follows: Virtually identical to homo sapiens in body shape and size, with specific differences setting it apart from an average human. Pale skin, clearly lacking in any noticeable or hea