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Autopsy A1-03; Retrieved from the Unified Bureau of Scientific Investigation

DR. SHURE:    This is UBSI autopsy number A1-03, April 5th, 2104. This recording and transcript are to be placed under Level Two lockdown upon completion of the procedure, and the specimen is to be disposed of in an undisclosed location following the event previously stated. Any violation of the Level Two lockdown shall be met with severe and immediate punishment.

DR. LANE:    By listening to this recording and/or reading this documented transcript, you state that you are a Level 2 asset of the UBSI; if this statement is false, you are to turn off this recording and/or return this document immediately. Failing to do so will result in a criminal charge of high treason within your country of residency - you have been warned.


Initial reports on the external state of the subject are as follows:

  1. Virtually identical to homo sapiens in body shape and size, with specific differences setting it apart from an average human.

    1. Pale skin, clearly lacking in any noticeable or healthy amount of melanin.

    2. Slight decomposition along the neck; cause of decomposition to be listed within section 2 of this report.

    3. Elongated upper and lower canines, each exhibiting a tiny opening near the tip.

    4. Dilated pupils, with deep red irises. Subsequent investigation into this optical mutation may be required.

  2. Cause of death seems to be an attack of some kind, based on a large gash where a major portion of the upper throat should be.

    1. Despite this observation, there is no blood surrounding the wound. Normally, from a wound of this magnitude, a large amount of blood would have permeated the skin surrounding the opening; but with this specimen, there is none present.


Initial reports on the internal state of the subject are as follows:

  1. There is no blood visible anywhere within the chest cavity of the specimen, not including the unidentifiable ooze currently leaking from within.

  2. The organs seem to be - wait, what's that?

DR. SHURE:    What do you see?

DR. LANE:    Something just moved, I saw it. Hold on, I'll readjust the left ar - OH SHIT! GET IT OFF ME!

DR. SHURE:    Hold still, I've got the arm!

DR. LANE:    *garbled screams followed by crunching and a snap*

DR. SHURE:    No! Stay - stay back! GUARDS! End recording! END RECOR -



  1. Log Number 361 - Investigation Pending

    I'm being investigated by the FBI; the EMP device that I brought through last week shut down the city's power after I accidentally bumped it off my nightstand. They talked about bringing in some scientists to look at the device, but I know they won't get anything from it. It's an artifact from another universe -the chances of them harnessing it are slim to none.

    I just want to go home.


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