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Dawn of America - (Updated) Press Release

What is Dawn of America?

Dawn of America is a non-commercial, mid-sized mod built in Bethesda’s Creation Engine, using the framework put in place by Fallout 4 to provide players with a unique take on the Enclave. Set in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dawn of America sets out to tell a different - yet familiar - story about this iconic faction: one where you're working with them rather than against them. The mod tackles a continuation of the Enclave following the events of Fallout 3, filling the gaps left between games and expanding upon the faction through a narrative based on conflict and the individuals at the core of it. What are you willing to give up for the Dawn of America?

The vision and goal of the project is to shed light on the Enclave and it’s members; exploring the motives, feelings and personalities that drive this iconic faction through a narrative focused on war and those who fight it - thus giving more character to the often one-sided Enclave.

Who are we?

Our team is made up of volunteers working hard to bring this experience to you, the players. If you want to know more about the work we've done so far or want to help the team out in any way, check out our Discord server at

The (Updated) Lore Tease

The City of Chicago had long been the personal playground for Vice-President Aldrich Rockefeller, well before his time in the office: a home for families, government officials and city defenders. When Rockefeller rose to the Presidency after Eden's death, he attempted to regain power in the Capital through the mobilization of Adams Air Force Base; this ended in disaster, and the President enacted Operation Ghost Town - an evacuation of all Enclave personnel from non-essential territories, destroying any evidence of Enclave involvement in the Wasteland along the way. Hidden bunkers across the continent packed their bags and began the march towards Illinois, protecting any immovable Enclave assets through preservation protocols and security measures. Those who were unable (or unwilling) to comply were branded as deserters, and by the next year, Chicago had replaced Raven Rock as the capital of Enclave power in America.

And that's how things went for nearly a decade. The city’s inhabited areas grew to accommodate these refugees, expanding farther beyond Naval Station Great Lakes and it's massive Pre-War naval command bunker. The ancient city wasn't entirely repopulated, but portions of the area surrounding the Naval Station saw some growth over the years. The Enclave endured a time of relative peace within their walls, once again seeing the positives of living life in isolation.

But nothing lasts forever. Following the fall of Adams Air Force Base within his first year of the presidency, many individuals did not see Rockefeller as a suitable successor to President Eden. A career politician with neither the battlefield experience of Autumn nor the long-standing trust of Eden, Rockefeller’s biggest claim to fame was his rise to power rather than his actions once he got it - in other words, many people didn't like him.

The political landscape quickly turned into a shattered glass pane: dozens of political factions vying for power and influence, each chipping away at Rockefeller’s base by simply existing. Congress came to a dead stop given their heavily-contrasting motivations, and protests became commonplace near the later half of the decade - both within the government and amongst the greater populace. This disunity, however, proved to be one of the main contributors to the defeat of their next major foes: the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel and the Chicago Rebellion.


The Enclave started branching out from Chicago, sending scouts across America in search of new horizons, and this is where the player comes in. By tracking an encoded military beacon, the Sole Survivor can discover the scout's corpse outside an old military bunker near Fort Hagen, surrounded by a firefight between the Gunners and a group of mysterious individuals. This is where the adventure - your adventure - begins.

Released Work

Classic Vertibird Replacer - Replaces the vanilla vertibirds found in Fallout 4 with a recreated version of the vertibirds from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

P94 Plasma Rifle - This mod adds the P94 Plasma Rifle to the Commonwealth, based on the Plasma Rifle from Fallout Tactics.

Patriotic TunesA collection of patriotic songs from the United States Marine Band!

And if you want to see more of our mod's work in action, check out Degenerate Dak's videos about the project over on his YouTube channel: Degenerate Dak. They're somewhat outdated at this point, but they provide a good look at the visuals and the vibes within the mod.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for future teasers and updates!


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