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Showing posts from April, 2024

Learning to Love in a World of Hate (The Elder Scrolls)

This is a lorebook within the Elder Scrolls universe that I wrote for a lorebook contest back in 2022. I hope you like it :) --- My mother and father fought often - one worked a mill, the other a kitchen. They never lied nor put their knuckles to use, but brutal honesty lays the truth harder than a fist ever could. Our trips west were marred by icy demeanors and frigid replies, colder than the Alik'r heat had any right to allow. Yet they never parted ways. Not when I was a seed, not when I was a sapling, not even after my trunk stopped growing and my limbs stopped reaching. I admired that. The dedication, the desire to see things through despite their misgivings. I didn't always understand it, but as the years wind down and my light dims further, I think I finally see it for what it was. Love, real love, isn't dictated by constant adoration and pandering, but by cooperation and understanding. Passion is spicy and short - home simmers long and sweet, rooting beneath the surf

The Masque of Sparrow Valley (The Elder Scrolls)

This is a fan-made lorebook written within the Elder Scrolls universe that I entered into a lorebook writing contest last summer. I hope you like it :) --- It was a ball without equal. Coated in gold and moonstone, diamonds encrusting the edges of every glass and every platter. Lords and ladies gathered there in secret, hidden by the shroud of costumed extravagance, brought together under a singular goal to learn as much about the other guests as possible. A deal of lies and buried truths, trading blows beneath upturned lips and flowery words. Such an event was made possible only by the whims of the Masque. The Masque of Sparrow Valley proved an enigma; some spoke of a battered, war-weary soldier in blue; others met a snide, posturing butler in red. Different people, different places, but the same mask. Molded from metal of an unknown source and carved with the face of a proper gentleman, completed by a swirled mustache, down-turned nose, and heavy-set eyes. Yet the most striking featu

"A Poor Tavern Story" Out Now on!

Hey y'all! Just a few hours ago, I released the Twine game adaptation of "Just A Bad Tavern Story" (with a slight rebrand) - it is a short browser game, easy to get through in about five minutes, and it has a few little interactive extras seeded in that weren't possible on the website. Here's the gist, and thank you for reading! --- Bedtime stories don't have to just be for the little ones; pull up a barstool and listen to the old man's tale, and you might just learn a thing or two. You can read the story in its original form on this very website under the Prose tab. Note: This game saves your current page using your browser's local storage, meaning that if you run the game again, it will return to your last visited page. But don't worry! Pressing Restart at the bottom right corner will bring you back to the beginning, with all progress cleared. A Poor Tavern Story on

"Diary of a Superhero" Out Now on!

Hey y'all! This isn't the most recent news, but a few weeks ago I released the Twine game adaptation of "Diary of a Superhero" - it is a short browser game, easy to get through in about five minutes, and it has a few little interactive extras seeded in that weren't possible on the website. Here's the gist, and thank you for reading! --- Being a superhero has it's perks; enjoy a short trip through the day to day of this particular hero, and get to know the person that keeps you safe. You can read the story in its original form on this very website, under the Prose tab! Note: This game saves your current page using your browser's local storage, meaning that if you run the game again, it will return to your last visited page. But don't worry! Pressing Restart at the bottom right corner will bring you back to the beginning, with all progress cleared. Diary of a Superhero on

Why I'm Spamming Old Unreleased Content

I'm sure you'll notice the growing log of crappy, unfinished content that I have shoved onto the site as of...well, today. I came to this realization a few weeks ago, but relating to my unfinished games moreso than documents, and that was how many things I create yet never show to the world. Bad or not, I shouldn't leave content dormant and hidden when it could spark a better idea in someone else. This influx is partially to get some ideas out of my head, but it's also to hopefully help someone else bring about their own. So, I hope you enjoy these posts. Seeya :)

The Intro Voiceover (Fallout 4) - How I Would Change It

This is a rewrite of the Fallout 4 intro slides, but from a different speaker (since I didn't want a voiced protagonist) and with some different meanings behind it. Enjoy :) ---- The Fallout 4 logo appears on the black screen, then fades back out to a plain black screen. Then, in the darkness, a voice says the following: We’re all...human. Two seconds after that line ends, the screen cuts to From the moment when true intelligence first fired off within a primate brain, the human race has done marvelous things. Art, science, education, architecture, civilized society - all products of that one...tiny...spark. During the height of the Second World War, humanity found itself at a crossroads. Whether we took the correct path or not is up for debate, but the result is not. Nuclear power. The ability to split the very foundation of matter; and in doing so, release a power the world had never seen before. And the world wanted more. Despite it’s earth-shattering force, the brightest minds

The Blursed Development "Bible" (Fallout 4) - How I Wish This Would Stop Haunting My Dreams

Here we have possibly the most embarrassing thing I have ever written and had the audacity to show other people. Believe it or not, I once thought this was feasible, and I wish I could have that blissful ignorance back. Enjoy my torment, have a good one. ---- Title: Mass Rework (Should consider this as a working title. I think a better name could be given closer to release.) Themes: Freedom, Possibility, Realism, Closure (See if this can be presented in the writing description parts of this document without explicit mentioning.) Planned Release Window: January 1st, 2022 (Due to the volunteer nature of mods, one should be wary of setting deadlines, especially for large projects.) Budget:    Minimum of zero dollars spent, with absolute maximum of $500 spent between all leads. (Would not even request money to start. Due to the volunteer nature of modding, things get way too complicated when money is factored in.) Primary Development Foci: As a playable product, the focus should be foremos

The Early Plot (Fallout 4) - How I Would Change It

This is a part of that questline project, but this one focuses on the beginning of Fallout 4 with the intent being to tighten up the storytelling and get the player more invested in what's happening. Maybe I did a good job, or maybe this was just a 17 year old's ramblings. I'm 21 now, definitely old enough to tell the difference lmao ---- Main Quest Prologue - Before We Begin WARNING: There is no voiced protagonist for the game with these mods. Absolutely no voice for the player character aside from the grunts and stuff that appear in every game regardless. The game’s introductory cutscene will be different. The narrator’s perspective won’t be that of the player, but instead that of an unknown person looking back on the Pre-War world with the luxury of hindsight. The content will be more or less the same, but with a different point of view and different lines to reflect that, along with different visuals to reflect the new lines and narrator perspective. The person speaking

The Railroad Questline (Fallout 4) - How I Would Change It

The Railroad needs a little love, but not too much. This version had them reverted to a meaty side faction questline, rather than a main faction. It never felt right for them to be one, so I changed that in this planned project. ---- Railroad Act One - Available for All “Road to Freedom” quest is the same as vanilla “Tradecraft” quest is the same as vanilla “Boston After Dark” quest is the same as vanilla, but now a main quest “Butcher’s Bill” quest is the same as vanilla, but now a main quest “Little Birdy’s Last Flight” quest is the same as “Butcher’s Bill 2”, but now a main quest with a different title “Building Trust” quest is the same as “Mercer Safehouse”, but now a main quest with a different title “Memory Interrupted” quest is the same as vanilla, but has the player fighting off Gunners hired by an Institute agent instead of synths (and is also now a main quest) “Operation Ticonderoga” quest is the same as vanilla, but now a main quest “Making Amends” quest is the same as “Rand

The Institute Questline (Fallout 4) - How I Would Change It

Another one for your viewing pleasure. This one is about the Institute, and appears to be much shorter than the other ones. I don't remember why that was the case, but oh well. 2020 vision, I suppose. ---- HOW THE INSTITUTE STARTS OFF: They begin with Gen 1 synths patrolling much of Boston, bottlenecking travel through specific areas and for specific people, with some groups patrolling specific places of interest throughout the Commonwealth. The people in Boston feel constricted by the Institute, despite the organization not directly affecting the settlements in the city themselves. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE INSTITUTE: The arrival of the Sole Survivor allows their decades-old plan to finally fall into place. The Institute immediately begins using the Sole Survivor to prepare the stage for their grand finale. WHERE THEY END UP: They activate their new reactor, establishing a future for the Institute in the process. By expanding upon Virgil’s cure, the Institute has a cure for FEV. By gett

The Brotherhood Questline (Fallout 4) - How I Would Change It

Here is the Brotherhood questline done in the same format as the previous Minutemen post - also part of that quest project that never went anywhere, but I think this has some fun ideas in it. ---- Brotherhood Act One - Available for All “Fire Support” quest, same as vanilla “Call to Arms” quest, same as vanilla “Shadow of Steel” quest, same as vanilla, except the player doesn't meet with Maxson and doesn't hear his speech directly “Tour of Duty” quest is mostly the same as vanilla, but the player returns to whoever gave them the quest instead of Maxson “Show No Mercy” quest, same as vanilla, except the player doesn't speak with Maxson. Brotherhood Act Two - Prove Your Worth “Welcome to the Team” quest involves the player being placed within a team designed to handle tasks that would be too dangerous or too far outside Brotherhood jurisdiction for normal members; meeting each member of the team is primarily what this quest entails “Far Go Raiders” quest involves the team tra

The Minutemen Questline (Fallout 4) - How Would I Change It

Here lies my questline doc for a never-started Fallout 4 mod that would've (somehow I guess idk) changed the Minutemen faction questline into a more interesting form. Draw ideas from it, enjoy the mediocrity, or just let your eyes glaze over - here's what I thought could be cool for the Minutemen, back in 2020. ---- Minutemen Act 1 - Available to All “The Midnight Ride” quest involves the player traveling to Lexington to warn the surviving Minutemen of the threat the raiders pose, then helping fortify their position and form a plan of action “Second Shot” or “Die Another Day” quests involve either fighting your way through every part of Lexington, wiping out the large group of raiders (Second Shot), or figuring out a way to sneak the Minutemen out of Lexington without alerting the raiders (Die Another Day) “Sanctuary” quest is the same as vanilla, just with more people in Sanctuary and more specific rules for what to build - and it’s mandatory Tenpines Bluff quest, “Raid-Away”,

The Brotherhood of Steel - How I Would Change It

This little post is something I worked on for a few lunch breaks back in 2021: my ideal Brotherhood of Steel, if I had a hand in it. I don't think it is done, hell I haven't even proofread this thing before putting it here, but it's an interesting bit of creative writing in my opinion and I want people to see it. Have fun :) ---- Infrastructure: Secure the massive network of highway systems crisscrossing America. Secure these roads wherever possible, fortify them, rebuild them if necessary, and utilize these roads to quickly transport supplies, troops, and robots across the country. Capture port cities and employ a Brotherhood naval force, ensuring control of the sea as to add onto the vertibird/airship aerial superiority and the Brotherhood ground forces. From there, form trade routes between these settlements and get naval supply lines moving. Conquer land-based settlements as a wave, moving from points of great Brotherhood control towards areas of zero Brotherhood oversi

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - How I Would Change It

This movie rewrite is much less structured than the last one, as I largely just wrote it the day after I saw this movie back in 2022 when I was on a lunch break. Here are the raw results; sorry if it isn't exactly up to snuff. ---- Defender Strange and America run towards the Book of Vishanti in the space between universes, being chased by demons, then Strange tries to steal her power to save the multiverse - but he is killed by the demon before he can and America escapes. Doctor Strange saves America when she appears in his universe, they take her to Kamar Taj, and the corpse of Defender Strange (possessed by an unknown entity) attacks Kamar Taj to get America's power - America opens a portal to the multiverse and Strange takes her through it. Strange and America end up in Universe 838, where they learn about the existence of another Doctor Strange who supposedly died protecting their universe from Thanos - but it's a lie. He fell to the dark arts, and the Illuminati "

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings - How I Would Change It

I wrote this movie rewrite document in 2021 for funsies, because I really enjoyed the Shang-Chi movie and wished that it could've been better. Now it is 2024, and I still agree with almost everything I wrote back then. So, here you go. I am not editing this at all, simply posting it for the world to see. ---- I loved watching Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings in an actual movie theater. I loved the action, the comedic moments, the emotion, and I loved Wenwu / "the Mandarin" as the villain and father of the main character. But just because I enjoyed the movie doesn't mean that I can't see its flaws. What can the Rings do? Everything. What can the Rings (as in the organization) do? Everything. Why do their people wield energy crossbows? Who knows. Why does Ta Lo have a somewhat dated culture when their realm supposedly once housed mega-civilizations greater than anything on Earth? Who knows. What even is the Great Protector and what does it have to do with a