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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - How I Would Change It

This movie rewrite is much less structured than the last one, as I largely just wrote it the day after I saw this movie back in 2022 when I was on a lunch break. Here are the raw results; sorry if it isn't exactly up to snuff.


Defender Strange and America run towards the Book of Vishanti in the space between universes, being chased by demons, then Strange tries to steal her power to save the multiverse - but he is killed by the demon before he can and America escapes.

Doctor Strange saves America when she appears in his universe, they take her to Kamar Taj, and the corpse of Defender Strange (possessed by an unknown entity) attacks Kamar Taj to get America's power - America opens a portal to the multiverse and Strange takes her through it.

Strange and America end up in Universe 838, where they learn about the existence of another Doctor Strange who supposedly died protecting their universe from Thanos - but it's a lie. He fell to the dark arts, and the Illuminati "killed" him after they defeated Thanos.

The dangerous entity dreamwalks into Universe 838, destroys the Illuminati (not including Captain Carter) and chases Strange, America and Kristine Palmer into the multiversal space housing the Book of Vishanti. Strange and Kristine are thrown into a collapsed reality while America is taken back to Universe 616.

Strange and Kristine encounter an alternate version of Doctor Strange in this collapsed reality (Strange Supreme), one who wields the Darkhold and hunts the Stranges of other universes. This is the dangerous entity hunting America - he wants her power in order to conquer the multiverse and eliminate all other Doctor Stranges.This is also revealed to be the same Strange who was supposedly killed by the Illuminati, having escaped through his use of the dark arts. America, in a moment of pure fear and desperation in Universe 616, opens a portal leading directly to the collapsed reality, allowing both Stranges and Kristine to enter Universe 616.

The corpse of Defender Strange turns to dust as the true Strange Supreme fights with Doctor Strange while also trying to sap America's power - she finally learns to control her power in this moment through the motivation and guidance of Kristine and Doctor Strange, turning the tables as she opens portals to all kinds of universes and lets in Superior Iron Man, Captain Carter, Scarlet Witch (not the villain in this one), Deadpool and Wolverine. The group then proceeds to absolutely kick Strange Supreme's ass before trapping Strange Supreme inside the Darkhold itself and locking it away for good.

In the epilogue, America moves to Kamar Taj while our Strange experiences the heavy toll exacted by his use of the Darkhold; all the alternate universe characters return to their home universes, with hints at them returning later or at there being other versions of them within Universe 616 - Deadpool stays behind, as does Superior Iron Man (though he doesn't tell anyone that he's staying and does it in secret). The Scarlet Witch tells Strange that his world's Wanda is hurting, and that she should be handled with care else she may fall into the same pit that Strange Supreme did. Wolverine says that the beer is good here, but that he's got shit to do back home and should be going. Captain Carter returns to Universe 838 to rebuild the Illuminati, mentioning that there are versions of Reed Richards, Professor X and Black Bolt within Universe 616, and that it's only a matter of time until they make themselves known.

The final scenes of the movie before the credits show Strange saying goodbye to two Kristine's: one from another universe, leaving forever, and one from his, who is leaving him in the past. He finally moves on, ending on a brighter note.

The first post-credits scene is another hint at the Midnight Sons, this time pointing towards the arrival of a new Ghost Rider.

The second post-credits scene shows a news report from Canada about a string of animal related killings in the Yukon, panning out to show a blood-soaked bar with the last shot showing three metallic claws shooting out of a bloody, weathered fist.


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