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The Minutemen Questline (Fallout 4) - How Would I Change It

Here lies my questline doc for a never-started Fallout 4 mod that would've (somehow I guess idk) changed the Minutemen faction questline into a more interesting form. Draw ideas from it, enjoy the mediocrity, or just let your eyes glaze over - here's what I thought could be cool for the Minutemen, back in 2020.


Minutemen Act 1 - Available to All
  1. “The Midnight Ride” quest involves the player traveling to Lexington to warn the surviving Minutemen of the threat the raiders pose, then helping fortify their position and form a plan of action
  2. “Second Shot” or “Die Another Day” quests involve either fighting your way through every part of Lexington, wiping out the large group of raiders (Second Shot), or figuring out a way to sneak the Minutemen out of Lexington without alerting the raiders (Die Another Day)
  3. “Sanctuary” quest is the same as vanilla, just with more people in Sanctuary and more specific rules for what to build - and it’s mandatory
  4. Tenpines Bluff quest, “Raid-Away”, involves the player removing the raiders from Outpost Zimonja
  5. “Returning the Favor” quest is the same as vanilla
  6. “Troubled Waters” quest is the same as vanilla
  7. Oberland Station quest, “Roger That”, involves reactivating the different radio towers throughout the Commonwealth, starting with the one closest to the Station, then repurposing them to broadcast much farther and much more consistently across the Commonwealth
  8. Hangman’s Alley quest, “Leadhead”, involves removing the raiders from Hangman’s Alley, then using it as a Minutemen forward operations camp inside central Boston
  9. County Crossing quest, “Raising Standards”, involves clearing the National Guard Training Yard, then establishing a Minutemen facility there for training people; leads into National Guard Armory quest
  10. “Out of the Fire” quest is the same as vanilla
  11. The Slog quest, “State Farm Is There”, involves setting up connections with Goodneighbor
Minutemen Act Two - Point of No Return

WARNING: Once you go through with the quest “The Whites in their Eyes” for the Minutemen, you are locked into the Minutemen questline. No more missions can be done for the Institute or Brotherhood after this point.
  1. “The Whites in their Eyes” quest is basically the Minutemen version of that vanilla quest “The Battle for Bunker Hill”; but in this one, the Minutemen help the Railroad and the people of Bunker Hill to defend against the Institute’s assault on the town, and then defend against the Brotherhood’s attempts to swoop in and take over
  2.  “Taking Independence” quest is basically the same as vanilla, with minimal differences aside from the number of Minutemen who come to help retake the Castle
  3. Nordhagen Beach quest, “When Freedom Cries”, involves removing raiders from Libertalia, while expanding on Wire’s history as a Minuteman, then expanding outwards even further into Nahant in a follow-up questline
  4. Somerville Place quest, “Guns, Drugs, and Wicked Fun”, involves stopping the Gunners coming from Vault 95 along with their drug trade
  5. Greentop Nursery quest, “The Root of the Matter”, involves clearing a Gunner-controlled Malden and reclaiming the city for the people of the Commonwealth
  6. “The Battle for Quincy” quest involves the player gathering a large force of Minutemen for a rematch against the massive group of Gunners running Quincy, with the goal of defeating them and retaking the city
  7. “Bury the Hatchet” quest involves wiping out Gunner leadership in the Commonwealth and taking Gunners Plaza for the Minutemen
  8. “Old Guns” quest is the same as vanilla
  9. “Mechanical Menace” quest is the same as vanilla, except it can be started by getting word of an S.O.S. from out in the Commonwealth, which then leads directly into the Automatron DLC. The player has the choice at the end of Automatron to conscript the Mechanist as part of the new Minutemen war machine, bringing her robot expertise with her and renovating her lair to serve as a Minutemen robotics factory and outpost
Minutemen Act Three - For the Commonwealth

WARNING: Depending on decisions made in this act, you may be blocked from further Railroad missions as well
  1. “Let’s Try This Again” quest involves gathering together representatives from each of the settlements who make up the Minutemen, with representatives from Diamond City, Goodneighbor, and possibly the Railroad also joining in to discuss the future of the Commonwealth; more specifically, to discuss ways of finally forming a Commonwealth Provisional Government
  2. “Friend or Foe” quest involves meeting with Brotherhood leadership and deciding if the Minutemen and Brotherhood can work together against the Institute or not
  3. “With Our Powers Combined” quest is the same as vanilla - IF the Minutemen are at odds with the Brotherhood by the end of “Friend or Foe”, this quest will start
  4. “Defend the Castle” quest is the same as vanilla, requires “With Our Power Combined” to be completed
  5. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” quest involves the formal declaration of war against the Institute, and the subsequent invasion of the CPG base within the Mass Fusion building
  6. “We The People” quest involves the widespread rebellion against Institute authority, with multiple people across the Commonwealth revealed to be synths as their hidden failsafe codes are activated, causing the one-sided revolution to quickly become a civil war in the wasteland; ends in the death of Institute leadership and exile of those still believing in their ideals
Minutemen Act Four - And So It Ends

The ending slides play, detailing the aftermath of your many choices throughout the game, before allowing you one last moment to see the new future that you’ve made.

  1. “Fallout” quest involves the player walking through Diamond City almost a year later, looking at all the changes and differences in scenery and atmosphere brought along by your in-game choices. All your followers are there to talk to, multiple big names (those who could feasibly be there) are present to interact with, all culminating in the player raising the Minutemen flag over Diamond City in celebration of the Second Independence Day. As you stare at the flag waving in the wind under the setting sun, with the cheers of the Commonwealth’s people around you, the screen fades to black to end the main game.


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