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My Baseless Thoughts on Dragon Age: The Veilguard

I love Dragon Age, I’ve been a nerd for this stuff since 2011, and I’m excited for the new game, but for the love of all things holy just drop the “THE”! It just fits with the rest of the series if you cut the fat on that name. But, with that out of the way, I’d like to just talk about some things I’m expecting of the game. Based on what I have seen, which is remarkably little because I have only watched the initial trailers plus a TikTok or two, there are a few line items that intrigue me.

  1. Lucanis.

    1. I believe that the spirit or demon which has latched onto this companion, whose name has been listed as “Spite”, may actually be a form of the Old God of Night: Lusacan. I do not have hard evidence for this, and honestly this line of thinking only came from the name likeness of Lucanis to Lusacan, but I don’t think it to be entirely out of the realm of possibility. I don’t know, just something I’ve been fixated on.

  2. Minimal world state choices.

    1. There are only about six choices you can make about the world state of Thedas by the start of Veilguard, three of them relating to the Inquisitor’s race, class and gender, all from Inquisition. You can Google them in a bit to understand why these specifically chosen options are just weird, but I think the bigger mystery is whether BioWare is doing this with the express intention of forming a canonical timeline of events...or to ambiguously skip past the three prior games’ worth of content that they would otherwise have to account for. The reasons matter in whether I think this could be a good idea, and to be clear, I don’t think it’s looking too good for option A.

  3. Harding’s magic and the Titans.

    1. Harding can use magic now. Which makes me think that the Titans are rising, which (in and of itself) could spell absolute catastrophe for the entire world – Elven gods’ wrath notwithstanding.

  4. Morrigan and Solas somehow bringing Mythal back.

    1. Another thing that is based entirely on “I think this would be cool”, but having Morrigan’s arc rounded out as she becomes the next vessel for Mythal would be an incredible way to end her story because it would be like an odd way of accepting what she fought so hard against in the first game: becoming her mother. In Origins, that was literal; but perhaps over time, Morrigan’s experiences have turned her into Flemeth of the modern age without her even realizing it. I think it would be cool.

  5. The Seven Gates of the Black City?

    1. So...I wanna know about the Black City. I want this game specifically to give me a cold, hard explanation of what the Black City actually is, and how the Elven Gods and the Old Gods and the Forbidden Ones and all these various names for ancient dictators all factor in. Is it the Fade’s half of Arlathan? Is it something that Solas created specifically for them? Is it the Fade’s half of Skyhold? Is it just set dressing? Were the gods actually locked behind Seven Gates or were they just chilling on a freaking futon for millennia? You can only take religious mystery so far when you’re actively proving that the gods are corporeal and that they want to kill us all; please, by the Maker, give me an ANSWER!

  6. Darkspawn resurgence.

    1. I haven’t seen much about the darkspawn in this game, and that is by design, but I have heard little tidbits about “Blighted locations” and a “darkspawn redesign” that makes me very curious. Because if they are putting this much effort into the darkspawn now, that gives me the impression that they are somehow important to the game. Maybe I am reading too deep, but I would like to believe that we may be getting back to the potential of a Final Blight if these Elven gods aren’t stopped.

I have some more stuff that I am wondering about the game, but these are the things that have specifically intrigued me with what I know currently about Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Have a good day!


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